Xtreme Recognition is a certified Women’s Business Enterprise // WBENC

One Platform for All Your Programs

Xtreme Recognition is proud to be a WorkStride Gold Partner. WorkStride enables the world’s most dynamic companies to harness a shared purpose through a proven, people-driven platform. WorkStride integrates recognition, incentives, and rewards on one platform, providing a seamless user experience across multiple initiatives. The platform seamlessly integrates with your brand, systems, and culture to create a fun, familiar place where employees and management are on the same page and the same path–communicating, celebrating, and competing at their best.

WorkStride Recognition

Recognize, Reward & Engage Employees

WorkStride Recognition is a configurable software solution designed to uncover the great work being done at your company and reinforce those desirable behaviors through recognition, rewards, and social participation.

The WorkStride platform is built to be entirely configurable to your company’s needs, including branding and design, functionality, user roles, rule structures, reward types, and reporting.

Software Features:


Users earn custom badges on their profiles for milestones, activities, and achievements.

Recognition Stream

Real-time news feed of recognition activity, with commenting & sharing options.

Recognition Stream

Includes hundreds of popular merchants for employees to shop from at retail value.

Budget Tool

Modify and transfer budgets with do-it-yourself admin tools.

Report Generator

Create and run real-time reports on all aspects of program activity and performance.

Cloud Connection

Integrate via API with 3rd party software like Salesforce, SAP, Kronos and more.

WorkStride Incentives

Drive Performance with Promotions and Rewards

WorkStride Incentives is a configurable software solution designed to make contest creation quick and easy, record sales activity, reward performance, and provide business intelligence.

The WorkStride platform is built to be entirely configurable to your company’s needs, including branding and design, functionality, user roles, rule structures, reward types, and reporting.

Software Features:


Participants can see their own progress in real-time along with leaderboards to create a fun and competitive environment.

Sales Widget

Participants enter their own sales towards designated promotions and rewards.

Contest Creator

Administrators can create sales contests or promotions using a simple form.



Report Generator

Create and run real-time reports on all aspects of program activity and performance.

Training Center

Add product training modules and tie completion to recognition, rewards, or contest participation.

WorkStride Wellness

Encourage Healthy Behavior through Recognition & Incentives

WorkStride Wellness helps your organization recognize and reward behaviors that contribute to improving the health of your workforce, reducing insurance expenses, and increasing employee engagement.

The WorkStride platform is built to be entirely configurable to your company’s needs, including branding and design, functionality, user roles, rule structures, reward types, and reporting.

Software Features:


Users can earn custom badges on their profile for milestones, activities, and achievements.

User Self Reporting

Participants can enter the healthy activities they have completed along with supporting documentation.

Rewards Mall

Includes hundreds of popular merchants for employees to shop from at retail value.

Personalized Stats

Dashboards provide a summary of participant activity and progress toward goals.

Survey Tool

Participants can view information about current promotions, like weight loss programs or seminar attendance.

Survey Tool

Participants can view information about current promotions, like weight loss programs or seminar attendance.

WorkStride Safety

Recognize and Reward Safe Behaviors

WorkStride Safety helps your employees learn how to work safely and recognizes behaviors that contribute to prevention of unsafe working conditions.

The WorkStride platform is built to be entirely configurable to your company’s needs, including branding and design, functionality, user roles, rule structures, reward types, and reporting.

Software Features:


Users earn custom badges on their profile for milestones, activities, and achievements.

Near-Miss Module

Allows employees to report potential safety issues via a custom form. Pictures and videos may be uploaded along with text.

Content Creator

Create custom content for your staff, such as newsletters & announcements.

Rewards Mall

Includes hundreds of popular merchants for employees to shop from at retail value.

Recognition Widget

Allows participants to nominate each other for safe behaviors or achievements.

Training Center

Add your own training modules and tie completion to recognition and rewards.

WorkStride Training

Training, Performance Tracking & Incentives for Employees

WorkStride Safety helps your employees learn how to work safely and recognizes behaviors that contribute to prevention of unsafe working conditions.

The WorkStride platform is built to be entirely configurable to your company’s needs, including branding and design, functionality, user roles, rule structures, reward types, and reporting.

Software Features:


Users can earn custom badges on their profile for completion of training modules.

Content Management System

Create custom content for your staff, such as emails, newsletters, and announcements.

Content Creator

Create custom content for your staff, such as emails, newsletters, and announcements.

Rewards Mall

Includes hundreds of popular merchants for employees to shop from at retail value.

Report Generator

View reports about training participation and performance.

Integration with Learning Management Systems

Link to existing training modules in your Learning Management System. Completion of training can be tracked and linked to badging and rewards.

Language Translation

Badging and Gamification

Single Sign-on and API Integration

Comprehensive Program Reporting and Analytics

Rewards Mail and Fulfillment

In-house Customer Service

Social Tools, Including Personalized Profiles and Recognition Stream

In-house Software Development and Design Teams

Like What You See?

Book a Demo Today!

WorkStride and Xtreme Recognition want to help you reinforce your workplace with the latest the industry has to offer. Fill out the form below to start your demo today!